New Hampshire State House

New Hampshire  State House


The New Hampshire House of Representatives is the lower house in the New Hampshire General Court, the bicameral legislature of the state of New Hampshire. The House of Representatives consists of 400 members coming from 204 legislative districts across the state, created from divisions of the state’s counties. On average, each legislator represents about 3,300 residents.

New Hampshire has by far the largest lower house of any American state – the second-largest, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, has 203 members – and is the fourth-largest lower house in the English-speaking world (behind the 435-member United States House of Representatives, 543-member Lok Sabha of India, and 650-member House of Commons of the United Kingdom).

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OnAir Post: New Hampshire State House


The New Hampshire House of Representatives is the lower house in the New Hampshire General Court, the bicameral legislature of the state of New Hampshire. The House of Representatives consists of 400 members coming from 203 legislative districts across the state, created from divisions of the state's counties. On average, each legislator represents about 3,300 residents, which is the smallest state legislative population-to-representative ratio in the country.

New Hampshire has by far the largest lower house of any American state; the second-largest, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, has 203 members. The House is the fourth-largest lower house in the English-speaking world (behind the 435-member United States House of Representatives, 543-member Lok Sabha of India, and 650-member House of Commons of the United Kingdom).[2]

Districts vary in number of seats based on their populations, with the least-populous districts electing only one member and the most populous electing 10, not counting floterial seats.[3]

Voters are allowed to cast as many votes as there are seats to be filled in the district. For instance, in a two-member district, a voter can vote for up to two candidates, in a ten-seat district, for up to ten candidates. Plurality block voting often results in one party winning all of the seats in the district, as the (cross-sectional) results below for the current representation attest. Like in the districts elected by First-past-the-post voting, proportionality of party represention is not generally produced.

Some municipalities are in multiple districts, including floterial districts, so as to achieve more equal apportionment by population.

Unlike in many state legislatures, there is no single "aisle" to cross per se, as members of both parties sit partially segregated in five sections. The seat section and number is put on the legislator's motor vehicle license plate, which they pay for if they wish to put one on their personal automobiles, or in the case of the chairpersons and party leaders, their title is put on the legislative plate. Seating location is enforced, as seating is pre-assigned. Although the personal preference of the legislator is asked, usually chairmen and those with special needs are given the preferred aisle seats. The sixth section is the Speaker's seat at the head of the hall.

The House of Representatives has met in Representatives Hall of the New Hampshire State House since 1819. Representatives Hall is thus the oldest chamber in the United States still in continuous legislative use.[4] Large arched windows line the walls. On the rostrum hang portraits of John P. Hale, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin Pierce, and Daniel Webster.


(Shading indicates majority caucus)
End of 2010 session216017439010
Begin session 201110202984000
End of 2012 session1042903946
Begin session 201321901793982
End of 2014 session21317338614
Begin session 2015160102394000
End of 2016 session156123038812
Begin session 2017173002263991
End of 2018 session167321138119
Begin 2019 session23301674000
End of 2020 session[5]23015738713
Begin 2021 session18702134000
End of 2022 session1781020238119
Begin 2023 session19702013982
End of 2024 session1911019738911
Begin 2025 session[6][7]177102213991
March 10, 2024[8]2203982
Latest voting share44.5%0.3%55.3%


The current leadership of the house is as follows:

Speaker of the HouseSherman PackardLondonderryRep
Majority LeaderJason OsborneAuburn
Deputy SpeakerSteven D. SmithCharlestown
Speaker Pro TemporeVacant
Majority Senior AdvisorJim KofaltWilton
Deputy Majority LeaderJoseph SweeneySalem
Majority WhipMike DragoRaymond
Majority Floor LeaderKeith AmmonNew Boston
Deputy Majority Floor LeaderJuliet Harvey-BoliaTilton
Assistant Majority LeaderJeanine NotterMerrimack
Lex BerezhnyGrafton
Deputy Majority WhipClaudine BurnhamMilton
Assistant Majority WhipLarry GagneManchester
Lisa FreemanTilton
Tom MannionPelham
Tanya DonnellySalem
Steven BogertLaconia
Minority LeaderAlexis SimpsonExeterDem
Deputy Minority LeaderLaura TelerskiNashua
Minority Caucus ChairMatt WilhelmManchester
Minority Leader Pro TemporeKaren EbelNew London
Minority Floor Leader

Lucy Weber

Deputy Minority Floor Leader

Nicholas Germana

Senior Minority AdvisorMary Jane WallnerConcord
Brian SullivanGrantham
Minority AdvisorDave LuneauHopkinton
Jaci GroteRye


The current committee leadership in the New Hampshire House of Representatives is listed below.[9]

The chair is the presiding officer of the committee, responsible for leading hearings, maintaining order, and enforcing committee rules. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair becomes presiding officer for the hearing. The clerk is responsible for all administrative matters for the committee, including attendance, minutes, and recording votes. The ranking member is the chief representative of the minority party on the committee, and is traditionally appointed chair when the majority changes hands. Chairs and vice chairs are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the speaker, while ranking members are appointed by the speaker on recommendation of the minority leader. The committee clerk is selected by the committee chair. The speaker can unilaterally remove or reassign any committee member, chair, vice chair or clerk.

CommitteeChairVice ChairClerkRanking Member[10]Deputy Ranking Member
Children and Family LawMark Pearson (R)Debra DeSimone (R)Jodi Nelson (R)Peter Petrigno (D)Gaby Grossman (D)
Commerce and Consumer AffairsJohn B. Hunt (R)John Potucek (R)Lisa Post (R)Anita Burroughs (D)Carry Spier (D)
Criminal Justice and Public SafetyTerry Roy (R)Jennifer Rhodes (R)Alissandra Murray (D)Linda Harriott-Gathright (D)David Meuse (D)
Education FundingRick Ladd (R)Walter Spilsbury (R)David Luneau (D)Hope Damon (D)
Education Policy and AdministrationGlenn Cordelli (R)Kristin Noble (R)Margaret Drye (R)Patricia Cornell (D)Muriel Hall (D)
Election LawRoss Berry (R)James Qualey (R)Claudine Burnham (R)Connie Lane (D)Russell Muirhead (D)
Environment and AgricultureJudy Aron (R)Jim Creighton (R)Seth King (R)Peter Bixby (D)Nick Germana (D)
Executive Departments and AdministrationCarol McGuire (R)Erica Layon (R)John Sytek (R)Jaci Grote (D)Heath Howard (D)
FinanceKenneth Weyler (R)Dan McGuire (R)Gerald Griffin (R)Mary Jane Wallner (D)Karen Ebel (D)
Finance – Division IDan McGuire (R)Jose Cambrils (R)Peter Leishman (D)Karen Ebel (D)
Finance – Division IIKeith Erf (R)Daniel Popovici-Muller (R)Kate Murray (D)
Finance – Division IIIJess Edwards (R)Maureen Mooney (R)Rich Nalevanko (R)Laura Telerski (D)
Fish and Game and Marine ResourcesJames Spillane (R)Mike Ouellet (R)Sayra DeVito (R)Cathryn Harvey (D)Loren Foxx (D)
Health, Human Services and Elderly AffairsWayne MacDonald (R)Lisa Mazur (R)David Nagel (R)Lucy Weber (D)Jessica Lamontagne (D)
HousingJoe Alexander (R)Brian Cole (R)Sherri Reinfurt (R)David Paige (D)Ellen Read (D)
JudiciaryRobert Lynn (R)Dennis Mannion (R)Katy Peternel (R)Margorie Smith (D)Paul Berch (D)
Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative ServicesJames Creighton (R)Lino Avellani (R)Steven Kesselring (R)Brian Sullivan (D)Timothy Soucy (D)
Legislative AdministrationGregory Hill (R)Vanessa Sheehan (R)Shane Sirois (R)Janet Wall (D)Stephanie Payeur (D)
Municipal and County GovernmentDiane Pauer (R)John MacDonald (R)Marie Louise Bjelobrk (R)Laurel Stavis (D)Jim Maggiore (D)
Public Works and HighwaysDavid Milz (R)Charles Melvin (R)Bill Boyd (R)John Cloutier (D)Michael Edgar (D)
Resources, Recreation and DevelopmentRobert Harb (R)Arnold Davis (R)Ron Dunn (R)Allison Knab (D)Heather Baldwin (D)
RulesSherman Packard (R)Steve Shurtleff (D)Paul Smith (House Clerk)Alexis Simpson (D)
Science, Technology and EnergyMichael Vose (R)Douglas Thomas (R)JD Bernardy (R)Kat Mcghee (D)Tom Cormen (D)
State-Federal Relations and Veterans AffairsMichael Moffett (R)Skip Rollins (R)Jennifer Mandelbaum (D)Christine Seibert (D)Christal Lloyd (D)
TransportationThomas Walsh (R)Ted Gorski (R)Karel Crawford (R)George Sykers (D)Dan Veilleux (D)
Ways and MeansJohn Janigian (R)Jordan Ulery (R)Bill Ohm (R)Susan Almy (D)Dennis Malloy (D)

List of members (2024–2026)


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Tom PloszajRepCenter Harbor, New Hampton2020
02Matthew CokerRepMeredith2022
Matthew LunneyRep2024
03Juliet Harvey-BoliaRepSanbornton, Tilton2020
04Travis TonerRepBelmont2024
05Steven BogertRepLaconia (Wards 1, 3–6)2022
Mike BordesRep2020
Sheri MinorDem2024
Charlie St. ClairDem2022 (2017–2020)
06Harry BeanRepGilford, Gilmanton, Laconia (Ward 2)2018
Glen AldrichRep
Russell DumaisRep2022 (2014–2016)
David NagelRep2022
07Barbara ComtoisRepAlton, Barnstead2016
Paul TerryRep2020
Peter VarneyRep2014
08Lisa FreemanRepBelmont, Sanbornton, Tilton2024
Douglas TrottierRep2020


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Thomas BucoDemConway2012 (2004–2010)
David PaigeDem2022
Stephen WoodcockDem2018
02Anita BurroughsDemAlbany, Bartlett, Chatham, Hale's Location, Hart's Location, Jackson, Sandwich2018
Chris McAleerDem2020
03Joseph HamblenRepMadison, Moultonborough, Tamworth2024
Karel CrawfordRep2012
04Lino AvellaniRepBrookfield, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Wakefield2014
Mike BelcherRep2022
05Jonathan SmithRepOssipee2020
06John MacDonaldRepTuftonboro, Wolfeboro2018
Katy PeternelRep2022
07Glenn CordelliRepOssipee, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro2012
08Richard BrownRepBrookfield, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Madison, Moultonborough, Tamworth, Wakefield2024
Brian TaylorRep2024


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Dylan GermanaDemKeene (Ward 1)2024
02Dru FoxDemKeene (Ward 3)2020
03Philip JonesDemKeene (Ward 5)2022
04Jodi NewellDemKeene (Ward 4)2022
05Lucy WeberDemSurry, Walpole2006
06Paul BerchDemChesterfield, Hinsdale, Westmoreland2012-2022, 2024
Cathryn HarveyDem2016
07Terri O’RorkeDemKeene (Ward 2)2024
08Lucius ParshallDemHarrisville, Marlborough, Nelson, Roxbury, Sullivan2020
09Rich Nalevanko (R)DemAlstead, Gilsum, Marlow
10Barrett FaulknerDemRichmond, Swanzey2016
Sly Karasinski (R)Dem
11Denis MurphyRepWinchester
12Dick ThackstonRepFitzwilliam, Troy2022
13Richard AmesDemDublin, Jaffrey2012
14John B. HuntRepRindge1986
15Samantha JacobsDemChesterfield, Hinsdale, Keene (Wards 1–5)2024
Nicholas GermanaDem2022
16James GruberDemAlstead, Gilsum, Harrisville, Keene (Ward 2), Marlborough, Marlow, Nelson, Roxbury, Stoddard, Sullivan
17Jennifer RhodesRepFitzwilliam, Richmond, Swanzey, Troy, Winchester2020
18Jim QualeyRepDublin, Jaffrey, Rindge2020
Rita MattsonRep


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Sean DurkinRepDalton, Lancaster, Northumberland, Stratford2024↑
James Tierney Jr.Rep2022
02Arnold DavisRepAtkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, Cambridge, Clarksville, Dix's Grant, Dixville, Dummer, Errol, Milan, Millsfield, Odell, Pittsburg, Second College Grant, Stark, Wentworth Location2020
03Mike OuelletRepColebrook, Columbia, Erving's Location, Stewartstown2022
04Seth KingRepCarroll, Jefferson, Kilkenny, Whitefield2022
05Pete MorencyRepBerlin2024
Brian ValerinoRep2024
06Michael MurphyRepBean's Grant, Bean's Purchase, Chandler's Purchase, Crawford's Purchase, Cutt's Grant, Gorham, Green's Grant, Hadley's Purchase, Low and Burbank's Grant, Martin's Location, Pinkham's Grant, Randolph, Sargent's Purchase, Shelburne, Success, Thompson and Meserve's Purchase2024↑
07Lori KorzenRepBerlin, Carroll, Jefferson, Kilkenny, Whitefield2024
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
1Joseph BartonRepBath, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe, Sugar Hill2024
Calvin BeaulierRep2024
Darrell LouisRep2024
2Jared SullivanDemBethlehem, Franconia2022
3Jerry StringhamDemEaston, Lincoln, Livermore, Woodstock2022 (2018–2020)
4Heather BaldwinDemEllsworth, Thornton, Waterville Valley2022
5Marie BjelobrkRepBenton, Haverhill, Landaff, Piermont, Warren2024
Rick LaddRep2008
6Linda FranzRepOrford, Rumney, Wentworth2024
7Janet LucasDemCampton2024
8Bill BoltonDemAshland, Holderness, Plymouth2022
Sallie FellowsDem2018
Peter LovettDem2022
9Thomas OppelDemCanaan, Dorchester, Orange2024
10John SellersRepBridgewater, Bristol2022
11Lex BerezhnyRepAlexandria, Grafton, Groton, Hebron2020
12Mary Hakken-PhillipsDemHanover, Lyme2020
Russell MuirheadDem2020
Ellen RockmoreDem2024
Terry SpahrDem2024
13Laurel StavisDemLebanon (Ward 1)2018
14George SykesDemLebanon (Ward 2)2012
15Thomas H. CormenDemLebanon (Ward 3)2022
16David FrachtDemEnfield2023↑
17Susan AlmyDemLebanon (Wards 1–3)1996
18Donald McFarlaneRepAlexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Canaan, Dorchester, Enfield, Grafton, Groton, Hebron, Orange[11]2024
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Tim MannionRepPelham2
Tom MannionRep2022
Sandra PanekRep2022
Jeffrey TenczarRep2022
02Loren FoxxDemBedford2022
Ted GorskiRep2020
Linda GouldRep2014
Brian Labrie (R)
Kristin NobleRep2022
Catherine RombeauDem2021↑
John Schneller (R)Rep2012 (2010 – June 2012)
03Paige BeaucheminDemNashua (Ward 4)2023↑
Fred Davis Jr.Dem2022 (2018–2020)
Marc PlamondonDem2023↑
04Ray NewmanDemNashua (Ward 2)2018
Sue NewmanDem2016
Linda RyanDem2022
05Susan ElbergerDemNashua (Ward 1)2022
Dale SwansonDem
Heather RaymondDem2022
06Lee Ann KlugerDemNashua (Ward 3)
Carry SpierDem
Suzanne VailDem2018 (2012–2014)
07Alicia GreggDemNashua (Ward 7)2022
Louis JurisDem2022
Catherine SofikitisDem2016
08Efstathia BoorasDemNashua (Ward 6)2020 (2012–2016)
Christal LloydDem2022
Kevin ScullyDem
09William DolanDemNashua (Ward 5)2022
Sanjeev ManoharDem
Santosh SalviDem
10Linda Harriott-GathrightDemNashua (Ward 9)2018 (2012–2014)
Martin JackDem2012
Bill OhmDem
11Manoj ChourasiaDemNashua (Ward 8)
William DarbyDem
Laura TelerskiDem2018
12William Boyd IIIRepMerrimack2021↑
Julie MilesRep
Adam PresaRep
Maureen MooneyRep2020 (2002–2008)
Nancy MurphyDem2022 (2018–2020)
Jeanine NotterRep2010
Rosemarie RungDem2018
Wendy ThomasDem2022 (2018–2020)
13Dillon DumontRepHudson
Cathy KennyRep2022
Andrew ProutRep2016
Jeremy SlottjeRep
Jordan UleryRep2004
Robert WherryRep2022
14Richard LascellesRepLitchfield2016
Raymond PeeplesRep
15Mark McLeanRepManchester (Ward 8)2017↑ (2014–2016)
Mark ProulxRep2022 (2014–2020; 2010–2012)
16Dan Bergeron (D)RepManchester (Ward 6)
Larry GagneRep2008
17Linda DiSilvestroDemManchester (Ward 2)2012
David PreeceDem2022
18Jessica GrillDemManchester (Ward 12)2022
Steven Kesselring (R)Dem
19Suzanne ChretienDemManchester (Ward 10)
Matt Drew (R)Dem
20Pierre DupontDemManchester (Ward 9)
Alissandra MurrayDem2022
21Matthew WilhelmDemManchester (Ward 1)
Christine SeibertDem2022
22Patricia CornellDemManchester (Ward 11)2014
Nicole LeapleyDem2022
23Jean JeudyDemManchester (Ward 3)2005↑
Mary GeorgesDem
24Donald BouchardDemManchester (Ward 4)2018
Christopher HerbertDem2014
25Kathleen Paquette (R)DemManchester (Ward 5)
Kathy StaubDem2022
26Brian ColeRepManchester (Ward 7)2022
Patrick LongDem2014 (2006–2012)
27Mary MurphyRepDeering, Francestown
28Travis CorcoranRepWeare
Keith ErfRep2018
29Joe AlexanderRepGoffstown2018
Henry Giasson III (R)Dem
Sherri ReinfurtRep
Sheila SeidelRep2022
30Riché ColcombeRepAntrim, Bennington, Hillsborough, Windsor2022
Jim CreightonRep2020
Jim FedolfiRep2016
31Molly HowardDemGreenfield, Hancock2022
32Diane KelleyRepNew Ipswich, Temple, Wilton2020
Jim KofaltRep2020
Shane SiroisRep2022
33Peter LeishmanDemPeterborough, Sharon2011↑ (1996–2002; 2006–2010)
Jonah WheelerDem2022
34Daniel LeClercDemAmherst2022
Stephanie GrundDem2024
Daniel VeilleuxDem2020
35Kat McGheeDemHollis2018
Liz Barbour (R)Dem
36John SuiterRepBrookline, Greenville, Mason
Diane PauerRep2020
37Megan MurrayDemAmherst, Milford2018
38Ralph BoehmRepHudson, Litchfield
Kimberly RiceRep2024 (2014-2020)
39Jonathan Morton (R)DemManchester (Wards 6, 8–9)
Mark Warden (R)
40Suraj Budathoki DemManchester (Wards 1, 3, 10–12)
Mark MacKenzieDem2022 (2016–2018)
Trinidad TellezDem2022
Erin KerwinDem
41Lilly FossDemManchester (Wards 2, 4–5, 7)
Tim HartnettDem
Karen HegnerDem
42Keith AmmonRepLyndeborough, Mont Vernon, New Boston2020 (2014–2018)
Gerald GriffinRep2020 (2016–2018)
Lisa PostRep2020
43Gary DanielsRepMilford
Paul Dargie (D)Ind
Peter PetrignoDem2016
Vanessa SheehanRep2020
44Ross BerryRepGoffstown, Weare
Lisa MazurRep2022
45Jack Flanagan (R)DemBrookline, Greenville, Hollis, Mason
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.
  • ↓ If a candidate receives enough votes in two parties' primaries, they are listed as being the nominee of both parties in the general election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Ricky Devoid (R)DemBoscawen
02Gregory HillRepNorthfield2014 (2010–2012)
03Ernesto GonzalezRepFranklin
Bryan MorseRep
04Jose CambrilsRepCanterbury, Loudon2020
Michael MoffettRep2020 (2016–2018)
05Louise AndrusRepAndover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury, Webster2020
Deborah AylwardRep2022
06Thomas SchambergDemSutton, Wilmot2018 (2012–2014)
07Karen EbelDemNew London, Newbury2012
Gregory Sargent (D)Rep
08Tony CaplanDemBradford, Henniker, Warner2020
Eileen Kelly (D)Rep
Stephanie PayeurDem2022
09Eleana ColbyDemBow, Hopkinton
Muriel HallDem2021↑
David LuneauDem2014
James NewsomDem
10Stephen BoydRepDunbarton, Hooksett2020
John LeavittRep2020 (2016–2018)
Yury PolozovRep2022
Thomas WalshRep2012
11Matthew Pitaro (R)DemAllenstown
12Peter Mehegan (R)DemPembroke
Brian SeaworthRep2014 (2010–2012)
13Cyril AuresRepChichester, Pittsfield2022
Clayton WoodRep2022
14Dan McGuireRepEpsom2022 (2010–2016)
15Tracy BricchiDemConcord (Ward 1)
16Connie LaneDemConcord (Ward 2)2018
17Beth RichardsDemConcord (Ward 3)2016
18James MacKayDemConcord (Ward 4)2010 (2000–2008)
19Mary Jane WallnerDemConcord (Ward 5)1980
20Eric GallagerDemConcord (Ward 6)2020
21Timothy SoucyDemConcord (Ward 7)2012 (2008–2010)
22James RoesenerDemConcord (Ward 8)2022
23Merryl GibbsDemConcord (Ward 9)2022
24Matthew HicksDemConcord (Ward 10)2022
25James ThibaultRepFranklin, Northfield
26Alvin SeeRepAndover, Boscawen, Canterbury, Danbury, Hill, Loudon, Salisbury, Webster2022
27Raymond PlanteRepAllenstown, Dunbarton, Epsom, Hooksett
Carol McGuireRep2008
28Jim SnodgrassDemConcord (Wards 1–3)
29Kristina SchultzDemConcord (Wards 4, 9–10)2017↑
30Gary WoodsDemConcord (Wards 5–8)
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Scott BryerRepNorthwood, Nottingham
James Guzofski (R)Dem
Paul TudorRep2020
02Jason OsborneRepAuburn, Candia, Deerfield2014
James SpillaneRep2014
Kevin VervilleRep2016
03Oliver FordRepChester2020
04Cindy BennettRepRaymond
Mike DragoRep2022
Brian NadeauRep
05Mark ValloneDemEpping2022 (2018–2020)
Michael VoseRep2019↑ (2014–2018)
06Eric TurerDemBrentwood2022
07Laurence MinerRepFremont
08Sayra DeVitoRepDanville
09Donald SelbyRepSandown
Vicki WilsonRep
10Michael CahillDemNewfields, Newmarket2012
Toni WeinsteinDem
Ellen ReadDem2016
11Julie GilmanDemExeter2016
Gaby GrossmanDem2018
Linda HaskinsDem2022
Mark PaigeDem2020
12Allison KnabDemStratham2022
Zoe ManosDem2022
13Charles FooteRepDerry2022
Phyllis KatsakioresRep2014 (1982–2012)
Erica LayonRep2020
David LoveRep2018
David MilzRep2012
Jodi NelsonRep2021↑
Stephen PearsonRep2018
John PotucekRep2018 (2014–2016)
Katherine Prudhomme O'BrienRep2018 (2014–2016)
Richard TrippRep2020 (2016–2018)
14Pam BrownRepEast Kingston, Kingston
Kenneth WeylerRep2010 (1990–2008)
15Joseph GuthrieRepHampstead2014
Lilli WalshRep2022
16Tom DolanRepLondonderry2018
Ron DunnRep2022
David LundgrenRep2010
Wayne MacDonaldRep2020
Sherman PackardRep1990
Kristine PerezRep2022
Douglas ThomasRep2018
17Katelyn KuttabRepWindham2022
Robert LynnRep2020
Charles McMahonRep2002
Daniel Popovici-MullerRep2022
18Debra DeSimoneRepAtkinson2008
Jay MarkelRep2024
19Susan PorcelliRepHampton Falls, Kensington2022
20Robert HarbRepNewton, Plaistow, South Hampton2018
Charles MelvinRep2018
James SummersRep2022
21Jennifer MandelbaumDemNewington, Portsmouth (Ward 1)2024↑
22Kate MurrayDemNew Castle, Portsmouth (Ward 5)2016
23Jim MaggioreDemNorth Hampton2018
24Jaci GroteDemGreenland, Rye2018
Dennis MalloyDem2016 (2012–2014)
25Lorie BallRepSalem2022
Tanya DonnellyRep2022
John JanigianRep2016
Dennis MannionRep2022
Valerie McDonnellRep2022
Joe SweeneyRep2020 (2012–2016)
John SytekRep2010 (1990–1996)
Susan VandecasteeleRep2020
26Buzz ScherrDemPortsmouth (Ward 3)2024
27Gerry WardDemPortsmouth (Ward 4)2012
28Carrie SorensenDemPortsmouth (Ward 2)
29Erica de VriesDemHampton
Nicholas BridleRep
Chris MunsDem2022 (2012–2014)
Mike EdgarDem
30Matt Sanbourin dit ChoiniereRepSeabrook
Aboul KhanRep2020
31Jess EdwardsRepAuburn, Chester, Candia, Deerfield2018
Terry RoyRep2018
32Melissa LitchfieldRepBrentwood, Danville, Fremont2024
33Alexis SimpsonDemExeter, Newfields, Newmarket, Stratham2020 (2014–2016)
34Mark PearsonRepEast Kingston, Hampstead, Kingston2016
35Julius SotiRepLondonderry, Windham2018
36JD BernardyRepHampton Falls, Kensington, Newton, Plaistow, South Hampton2020
37David MeuseDemNew Castle, Newington, Portsmouth (Wards 1 & 5)2018
38Peggy BalboniDemGreenland, North Hampton, Rye2022
39Ned RaynoldsDemPortsmouth (Wards 2, 3, 4)2022
40Linda McGrathRepHampton, Seabrook
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Susan DeLemusRepFarmington
Robley HallRep
02Glenn BaileyRepMilton, Rochester (Ward 5)2016
Claudine BurnhamRep2010
Michael GrangerRep2022
03Susan DeRoyRepNew Durham, Middleton2024
04Heath HowardDemBarrington, Strafford2022
Cassandra LevesqueDem2018
Len TurcotteRep2020 (2014–2018)
05Thomas L. KaczynskiRepRochester (Ward 1)2020
06Denise DeDe-PoulinRepRochester (Ward 2)
07Aidan AnkarbergIndRochester (Ward 3)2020
08Samuel FarringtonDemRochester (Ward 4)
09Amy Malone (D)RepRochester (Ward 6)
10Timothy HorriganDemDurham2010 (2008–2010)
Wayne BurtonDem2024 (1984–1986, 1988–1990, 2014–2018)
Loren SeligDem2022
Marjorie SmithDem2012 (1996–2010)
11Erik JohnsonDemDover (Ward 4), Lee, Madbury2024↑
Thomas SouthworthDem2012
Janet WallDem1986
12Myles EnglandDemRollinsford, Somersworth
Wayne PearsonDem
John StoneDem
13Peter BixbyDemDover (Ward 6)2012
14Peter B. SchmidtDemDover (Ward 1)2002
15Alice WadeDemDover (Ward 2)2024
16Gary GilmoreDemDover (Ward 3)
17Jessica LaMontagneDemDover (Ward 5)2022
18Michael HarringtonRepBarrington, Middleton, New Durham, Strafford2014 (2000–04)
19David WalkerRepRochester (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
John LarochelleDem
Kelley PotenzaRep2022
20Allan HowlandDemDover (Ward 4), Durham, Lee, Madbury2022
21Luz BayDemDover (Wards 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)2022
Geoffrey SmithDem2022
Seth MillerDem2024
  • ↑ Member was first elected in a special election.
  • ↓ If a candidate receives enough votes in two parties' primaries, they are listed as being the nominee of both parties in the general election.


DistrictRepresentativePartyMunicipality(ies) representedFirst elected
01Brian SullivanDemGrantham2017↑
02William PalmerDemPlainfield, Cornish2022
03Skip RollinsRepCharlestown, Newport, Unity2012
Steven D. SmithRep2010
Walter SpilsburyRep2020
04Judy AronRepAcworth, Goshen, Langdon, Lempster, Washington2018
05George Grant (R)DemCroydon, Springfield, Sunapee
06John CloutierDemClaremont1992
Dale GirardDem
Wayne HemingwayRep
07Margaret DryeRepCharlestown, Cornish, Newport, Plainfield, Unity2022
08Hope DamonDemAcworth, Claremont, Croydon, Goshen, Langdon, Lempster, Springfield, Sunapee, Washington2022
Michael AronRep
  • ↑ Member was originally elected in a special election.

List of members (2024-2026)

See 2024 New Hampshire House of Representatives election

Past composition of the House of Representatives

See also


  1. ^ "The General Court of New Hampshire | 404" (PDF). Retrieved January 1, 2025.
  2. ^ Ross, Elizabeth (March 21, 1994). "Bigger Is Sometimes Better For Largest US Legislature". Christian Science Monitor.
  3. ^ "NH House of Representatives - Elected Officials | Citizens Count". Retrieved May 9, 2024.
  4. ^ "New Hampshire House of Representatives "NH House Facts"". Archived from the original on June 18, 2007.
  5. ^ "New Hampshire Update Office of the House Clerk Resignations, Deaths, Special Elections" (PDF). Office of the House Clerk. October 1, 2020. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 10, 2020. Retrieved October 29, 2020.
  6. ^ Aidan Ankarberg (Strafford 7) left the Republican Party and re-registered as an Independent prior to the start of the session.[1]
  7. ^ a b Representative-elect Dawn Evans (Strafford 12) resigned after moving out of her district prior to the start of the session.[2]
  8. ^ a b Fred Doucette (Rockingham 25) resigned.[3]
  9. ^ "NH House Standing Committees". The General Court of New Hampshire.
  10. ^ "House Democrats Announce Committee Leadership". December 26, 2024. Retrieved January 9, 2025.
  11. ^ "2024 Candidates". Grafton GOP.



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